Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Absent Blogger

Yes.  I am still alive and well.  I know. No; I am not lazy.  Unfortunately; the world stops when it's testing time...testing prep-time..anything testing related.  So, needless to say I have gotten behind on my reading.  But GOD has smiled on me and testing will be over on the 26th of April.  Life as I know will be back to normal. My normal at least so be patient with me...the reviews are coming!!!!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Interview with KIM BOWMAN

Wayward Soul by Kim Bowman is fabulous. I enjoyed every word of this story.  The only think I will add to the synopsis is that once you start will finish this in two sittings.  It took me two sittings because I have small kids who will not leave me alone.  Anywho I have been blessed to have Mrs. Bowman stop in for an interview.   Sooooooooooooooo here she is.......

1.  Can you tell us about yourself briefly? For the past eleven years, I've been married to my best friend, Tony. I have four wonderful, awesome children. Three I was lucky enough to inherit from my husband and one I was given by the grace of God.  I work as an editor and Wayward Soul is my first published work.
2.  When did you know you wanted to be a writer? I have notebooks full of songs, poems, and short stories I've composed, some as far back as junior high. But it wasn't until I started doing technical writing for my job that I really got the writing bug and decided to take my English professor's advice and write novels for a living.
3.  How many novels; stories have you written? Oh boy. Dozens that are halfway finished. Starting stories/novels isn’t my problem. My problem is I have too many of them swimming around in my head at once fight to get out.
4.  Tell us about this novel/story.  What was your inspiration?  How did you come up with the characters?  Which character is most like you? I knew I wanted to write a paranormal romance, but I wanted it to be original and unique to me. I’m a huge Sylvia Browne fan and she has a very special relationship with her spirit guide, so I thought why not use a spirit guide as the basis for my story. I added my own twist and Zanna did the rest. I think Owen, the hero, is most like me. Very sarcastic, bull-headed, but loyal.  Here’s the blurb for my bookJ

When Zanna Seoul accidentally causes the death of a fellow spirit guide’s charge while trying to save the life of the man she loves, she is stripped of her position and banished to Earth to die. In the spirit world, one doesn’t mess with what’s written. With Zanna no longer guiding him and his memory of her erased, Owen Nash is left wide open as the target of the vengeful spirit guide who feels he’s been wronged. A guide who also happens to be a werewolf. Once on Earth, Zanna refuses to stand by and watch Owen die, so she intervenes again, setting off a chain of events that could mean death for all of them if she doesn’t go back and undo the mess she’s made. Can Zanna succeed before the werewolf does?

5.  What current project are you working on? I’m working on a sequel to Wayward Soul and another full length novel tentatively titled Phantom Heart about a heart transplant patient who…well you’ll have to wait and see.
6.  What is one book (besides one of your own) that you think everyone should read? I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again and again. I loved Stephen King’s Gerald’s Game.
7.  What kind of routines do you keep when writing ( i.e., exercise, food, chores, etc.)? Are you kidding! I don’t even know what a routine is anymore. My life revolves around my two-year-old son Cage who keeps me hopping. I write when he allows and I always have a tall glass of Coke on handJ
8.  eBook or hard copy, or do you not have a preference?  Which format do you think works best for authors? Well, I don’t necessarily have a preference. But ebooks definitely make it possible for all of us passionate writers to get published and earn revenue. It helps us establish a fan base, garner experience, and get our foot in the proverbial door of the publishing world so it’s a great avenue for all of us to pursue.
9.  For your first published book, how many rejections did you go through before you either found a mainstream publisher, self-published it, or paid a vanity press to publish it? I was fortunate enough to have the first publisher I submitted to offer me a contract. I can’t say enough good things about Astraea Press and Stephanie Taylor. I recommend everyone check out her website They are a class act with a wonderful staff.
10.  Lastly, What is the most rewarding thing about being a published author? All the new friends I’ve met and the support. Plus it’s a dream come true to have my book published and in the hands of readersJ

I would love to thank Mrs. Bowman for stopping by for this great interview.  Please purchase her novel.  I have included the links for you so no excuses!!!!  You will love this!!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Vampire Salvation Review

From the first sentence when Frankie longed for Jake Rios to the end of the novella; this was a can't put down read. I started reading with trepidations because I'm not into vampire romance but this was FABULOUS!!! The story centered around Franscesca Stewart; a young woman with had a hurtful past and painful secret. Jake Rios; the mysterious man who worked as a security counsultant guarding the govenor. Frankie as she was called; was not the type to approach a man but she spent many days daydreaming of ways Jake would make love to her. Thing is; the only time they ever talked was when it concerned work. Unknown to Frankie; Jake was drawn to her as well but for reasons she could never imagine. Unfortunately; he had to bide his time because he had a couple of big secrets. Due to several twists; he has to tell Frankie some things rather quickly. I can't give any more away. You have GOT to read this. It has an excellent plot, it's's original in a time when you get all these cookie cutter vampire stories.
Virna DePaul has done a great job with "A Vampire's Salvation". It is original, well written and has a great plot. My only complaint would be that it ended. I give this story 3 1/2 stars out of 4.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Unfortunately the trials we call Adequate Yearly Progress have stolen much of my free time. I am now in the process of reading several books. Two books I have completed and will be posting the reviews on by Friday. I should be able to begin posting daily sooooooooooon. I'm on it now!!!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


I am finally back up and running. I have been without internet for several days...actually about a week. I felt..naked to say the least. There will be several updates on books I am reading through out the week. I just wanted to stop in and say to all and let you know..I'm back!!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


I have been having internet troubles for the last couple of days. I am finally able to post. I am waiting for the last book in the Fae-Fever series. It's supposed to be released on Tuesday. I'll start it as soon as I can load it on this dang NOOK!! I have two books I am currently working on. Hopefully tomorrow I will have two updates to share.
On another note....I'm going to juice my page up. I think I have figured out how.

Monday, January 10, 2011


I completed "Toil and Trouble" the second book in the Jolie Wilkins series by H.P.Mallory today. The second book begins with Jolie being held hostage by Bella and Ryder. She goes through a horrendous ordeal only to be helped in her escape by ........not telling.(getting the hang of not giving out spoilers lol) Jolie goes back to Rand and prepares for the impending battle of the Underworld creatures. As fate would have it; in the middle of the battle Jolie is transported back in time to the 1800's. This is where it gets so good you will read like a fat kid eating cake. Jolie finds out about her and Rands connection, and Sinjin and Rands connection and the prophetess connection. A lot of the pieces from the first book into place as well as set the stage for the third book in the series.

I won't tell anymore except to say go out and get the books in this series. They are fabulous. I can't wait for the next book in this series.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Stormy night

I am behind a little. I just flew back from Chicago for the weekend. I will have my H.P. Mallory review completed shortly. On another note; there's an ice storm going on outside. Perfect night for reading. Toodles!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Back 2 school

Twas the night before return to school and all through the are screaming but not me and the happy we are that school is near...we go to sleep early with not any is open tomorrow..I know the parents out there can understand. I'm just going to give a quick update on my current read..Jolie is preparing to go to battle unbeknownst to Rand. She is enlisting the help of Sinjiin and Mathilda to get ready. I won't drop any spoilers but Rand is currently not speaking to her because of an incident with Sinjiin. Toodles you all until next time.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


I am beginning "Toil and Trouble" by H.P. Mallory today. I plan on having it finished within a few days and will give a full review. I completed the previous book last night and could not wait to wake up today to start this one. At the end of the last book, Jolie had secured the help of the Fairy King (spoiler sorry) in the battle against Bella. I will tell more as I read the second installment of the Jolie Wilkins series.